My heart has been challenged and my ego is bruised and love seems like something that is just out of reach.....So what is the reality of this perspective? Well, love is that intangible energy that is always present in our hearts, that beautiful unconditional offering we give to family, friends and significant others until something happens that we feel is unforgivable. Then we stop loving or so we think. We actually stop sending out our conditional expectations and stop talking or take a break from connecting to the people that have hurt us or did not give us what we wanted or needed. So where is the balance of finding those that will offer us what we need and moving away from those that are not able to give to us ? And how do we still love those who are not able to give us what we want and need and offer to those that can that beautiful effervescent love which resides in our beings and wants to be shared and reciprocated? I mean is there anything more beautiful than watching 2 people give and receive a loving touch or look?? I have tried to reach across the miles and connect to a heart that is closed to me and the sadness that the miles are not the issue but the devastation that resides behind walls of concrete surrounding this heart has brought me to a place of deep despair. And if I could break down those walls I would and if I could bring peace to that soul I would......but I was not invited in behind those walls to help dismantle the pain and disillusionment that created them in the first place. Instead I was kept outside as I tried to serenade and throw roses over the tall walls but the flowers simply fell at my feet and the song eventually faded and my voice became silent. So walking away seemed the only choice and I have found that I am now on a path through the forest with many trees to find an easier road that leads to a garden to walk in and touch the heart of someone else that wants to walk next to me and pick some flowers for me and maybe sing me a song or two. It is an interesting journey and the sadness is still fresh and tears still keep coming but I am facing the situation head on and braving the fog and stumbling as I navigate my heart in this new territory. And there is a new soul that has embraced me and speaks sweet words to me and has an openness that is refreshing and feels like a healing balm to the wound that is my heart right now. I am taking life slow as I heal and pick up the pieces of my heart to put it back together in a bigger puzzle with more lessons learned and love to feel and give. So now as I take a deep breath I feel the pain and still get up and keep moving forward to live my life as bravely as I can with an open heart and an open mind to new ideas and new people that will share with me their wisdom and version of how they see the world. So Carpe Diem!! Take a chance on love!! Don't hold back on those that want you, touch them and tell them you love them even if it scares you to death....take that step and be brave. It just might be the love you have been looking for all your life and be the most beautiful experience you have ever had. Risk everything for this expression of unconditional love.....Good luck and may the cupid send you arrows that are true and land on the perfect match!!
Blessings, AnnKathleen
8/12/2016 0 Comments Inner your peas.....We all want peace and yet sometimes we don't want to do the work to attain this peace.....I for one do not always want to eat my peas just because they are good for me!! Eating my peas can look like exercising, meditating, practicing patience with self and others. Sigh....I even will binge on bad TV at times just to spite the ever wise nose on the face of my reality. So what to do when all we want to do is dig into a pint of ice cream with a spoon after eating that greasy piece of pizza. Let the moment be what it is and not judge. Let the situation and/or person be what they are and let go of being some kind of perfect drone!! We are human and as such we are built to withstand mistakes and messy situations. We will eat healthy again, we will endeavor to meditate everyday without fail, we will have patience just when we need it most and we will survive the apparent lack of perfection that stares us in the face. In fact just when we think we could not be more of a failure something happens and we move into that super human capacity and move mountains for someone or say the right thing to help them in their moment of need. We can run the marathon of life just by being available to everything that life gives us.....the happy, the sad, the not so happy and the not so sad. We just need to pace ourselves and let up a little on the "I gotta to this one thing perfect then I will let up on myself....." nope we need to let up on ourselves now, in this very moment.....give ourselves a break from the perfection notion. Feel your way through the resistance of wanting to appear like we have it all together and are totally organized. Like this is what will make us worth the love and attention because "we have earned it". Remember the ugly duckling.....he was in the wrong family, a duck family, who all really loved him but to others he was the ugly one, the one who wasn't quite right to look at. Where do we judge ourselves as the ugly person that we do not want to see? What judgement do we hold ourselves to as people and feel we are not fit enough, not attractive enough, not kind enough, not understanding enough, not enough, not enough.......enough already!! You and I are enough!! WE are attractive enough in our own unique way, smart enough, kind enough, even worthy of love. We are each one of us a beautiful aspect of the Divine in human form. So stop beating yourself up about the one time you didn't have it all together and act perfectly. Relax that ever watchful eye of judgement that it not roam over your life and destroy it and the beauty that surrounds it. Everyone has their moments of glory and amazing timing and everyone has moments of anger and spite. Apologize to yourself for being the harsh critic, apologize to others for hurting them. We are all doing our best and must acknowledge this to ourselves and recognize this in others. We all want love and attention regardless if we have earned it or not and frankly the Powers that be love us no matter what and always will so why don't we take their example and bring a more accepting and appreciative attitude to this moment with ourselves and everyone who is in our lives. Patience and love to all of you no matter what moment you are in.....difficult or exhilarating!! Love yourselves through it all......
AnnKathleen |
MissionMy mission is to help people become more in tune with their own Soul Spirit plus Spirit Teachers and Angelic Guides resulting in clarity and awareness of the Divine that lives within! Archives
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