Lightning rod.
A friend once told me that I was a lightening rod and I asked her what she meant. She said it had to do with my ability to channel energy and receive information from that energy. Feeling energies and sometimes seeing Spirits is an ability I remember having since as young as 3 years old. When I entered my 20's I wanted to explore this gift and what it meant and how to use it to help others. I haunted psychic fairs until I met a man, Andoni Lizardy, who taught metaphysical classes in Ojai in the early 90's. He was a blessing and I will always be grateful to him! I learned how use numerology, astrology, and simple principles and practices of how to create balance in my life. He also taught us protection processes and how to create boundaries with our abilities. Around this same time I was introduced to Transcendental Meditation from a very peace filled traveling guru Sri John Karuna. I learned how to quiet my mind and connect with the Divine through mantras and let go of restlessness and to settle into my bones and find peace. I still teach meditation as a first step to finding balance in all aspects of my work. I also explored the Pagan and Wiccan way during my 30's, both as a member of an amazing group in North East PA. and as a solitary. I found a connection to the earth that still brings me peace in my heart and grounding in my being especially when I lead Full and New Moon gatherings with a group of earth centered souls. And now more than ever our Mother Earth needs our good stewardship and help and these gatherings allow for healing our relationship to our wonderful Mother as she provides for us throughout our lives.
I find that working with the Divine through a developed intuition is a way for me to give people messages from their spiritual teachers so they will know how to continue to live their life purpose and evolve. I am happy to bring illumination to peoples lives through my work and feel very blessed to be able to do so.
Namaste & Blessings to you on your journey within.
Annapurna Devi
I find that working with the Divine through a developed intuition is a way for me to give people messages from their spiritual teachers so they will know how to continue to live their life purpose and evolve. I am happy to bring illumination to peoples lives through my work and feel very blessed to be able to do so.
Namaste & Blessings to you on your journey within.
Annapurna Devi