Awakening to Spirits Inspiration!
The unseen world is really quite close to us, we just are so in tune with Maya (the world) that we lose sight of the interrelatedness of the different dimensions. When we can straddle this world of illusion with the other worlds it brings us to a deeper reality of why we are here. Evolution is the quest of humanity. And it is not just for ourselves that we do this. The other dimensions rely on our physical earth bound connection to make the changes concrete. Then when we move on to the spirit realm after we die and before we are born again the evolutionary progress we attained will create future harmony within the universe. Often we think of the Divine as far away and not accessible to us. Divining or reading the Tarot or other oracles has brought me to the awareness that the Divine is always speaking to me. Creating quiet time at home in the morning or evening to meditate and connect with the Divine presence that is everywhere is also a great way to create a connection to the Divine within us and all around us. There are a myriad of ways just open your heart and see what comes!
The opening up of our minds that comes to us in meditation or a devotional chanting practice will bring us the answers and insight that will help us in our lives. Spirit works in mysterious ways to get our attention. Working with the Tarot and other oracle cards along with meditating and chanting has become a more exact way for me to feel the inner Divine voice speaking to me. The cards will let me know that I am on the right track or not even close or to be careful or even to get out of my own way. I found that connecting with the Divine inner voice concerning questions made it also possible to hear Divine messages for others. The messages come from our own inner "knowingness" and also external "guides" or teachers or loved ones who have passed on. Reading the cards has become a beautiful way to help people to feel as if they are being heard and answered all at the same time. The inner Divine voice and all of the Angelic beings who are close to us want to help and bring illumination to our lives. We simply need to ask and receive the information and be grateful. Life is such a wonderful gift and the Spirit which moves in all things wishes us to be happy and feel loved and cared for.
Often we question ourselves and think that we are really meant to be miserable and sad. Often I tell people to accept and receive the unconditional love that we desire and are seeking. But all too often we are closed to hearing the answers because we are conditioned to believe that things will not work out. And sometimes we are too busy to listen and take the time to tune in to the inner Divine connection speaking to us. When this happens we are plagued by the idea that no one is listening when in fact we are just not hearing the answer! The connection is either cut off or is unclear, similar to when our cell phone reception is going in and out and then gets cut off. We actually have to make sure we are in good "Divine" reception which means taking time out each morning and evening to quietly let the inner Divine voice know we are listening. Then we will become attuned to hearing the answers. When we are connected all the time we will probably have less questions to ask as we will just review what has been answered so far and make a prediction as too the possibilities. This doesn't mean we will always feel confident about the answers and sometimes we might need someone who can validate our feelings or impressions. This is what I do for people with my work. I help them believe that they are really hearing what is being sent and to keep the door to Spirit open. This is the way I help people stay open to receive help and co-create with the Divine and bliss is truly ours to experience!
The opening up of our minds that comes to us in meditation or a devotional chanting practice will bring us the answers and insight that will help us in our lives. Spirit works in mysterious ways to get our attention. Working with the Tarot and other oracle cards along with meditating and chanting has become a more exact way for me to feel the inner Divine voice speaking to me. The cards will let me know that I am on the right track or not even close or to be careful or even to get out of my own way. I found that connecting with the Divine inner voice concerning questions made it also possible to hear Divine messages for others. The messages come from our own inner "knowingness" and also external "guides" or teachers or loved ones who have passed on. Reading the cards has become a beautiful way to help people to feel as if they are being heard and answered all at the same time. The inner Divine voice and all of the Angelic beings who are close to us want to help and bring illumination to our lives. We simply need to ask and receive the information and be grateful. Life is such a wonderful gift and the Spirit which moves in all things wishes us to be happy and feel loved and cared for.
Often we question ourselves and think that we are really meant to be miserable and sad. Often I tell people to accept and receive the unconditional love that we desire and are seeking. But all too often we are closed to hearing the answers because we are conditioned to believe that things will not work out. And sometimes we are too busy to listen and take the time to tune in to the inner Divine connection speaking to us. When this happens we are plagued by the idea that no one is listening when in fact we are just not hearing the answer! The connection is either cut off or is unclear, similar to when our cell phone reception is going in and out and then gets cut off. We actually have to make sure we are in good "Divine" reception which means taking time out each morning and evening to quietly let the inner Divine voice know we are listening. Then we will become attuned to hearing the answers. When we are connected all the time we will probably have less questions to ask as we will just review what has been answered so far and make a prediction as too the possibilities. This doesn't mean we will always feel confident about the answers and sometimes we might need someone who can validate our feelings or impressions. This is what I do for people with my work. I help them believe that they are really hearing what is being sent and to keep the door to Spirit open. This is the way I help people stay open to receive help and co-create with the Divine and bliss is truly ours to experience!