Blocks or obstacles on your path can sometimes be hidden and sometimes they can be like solid ice on your smooth glassy emotional surface! Icebergs are no joke, moving through them is a tricky business and often just as soon as you move forward the ice solidifies behind your ship. So how do we know if we are traversing ice or just ice cold water or actual gigantic icebergs in the way of or surrounding a healthy flow to our emotional lives? I have found that when I am steering my ship through solidified water (ice) it means that I am surrounded by ideas and emotions that are inflexible and need to be broken up by my willingness to see them as they are and create a different pathway around them or just barrel through them with the strength of my own will. Sometimes these are our own limiting ideas and sometimes they are the limiting ideas of someone else that were created about us and now are settled into a field of ice in our sea of experience. Each time we get challenged by stagnant status quo or by the conversations that start with "I thought you were having this experience....." or "I wanted to help you with this situation....." It often means that the thinking is stuck in the past and the neural pathway has remained unchanged. It is so important not to keep others pathways clogged with our own thinking of them in a certain way thus impeding our own through the reflection we are seeing of ourselves in that thought pattern. A simple process of asking how people are getting on in their lives in genuine and heartfelt inquiry and then listening to the answer is the way to avoid creating these stagnant thought patterns about others and ultimately about ourselves. When we listen in the NOW about what is going on for them we just might be surprised by their answer and feel uplifted by their shift thus freeing ourselves of the possible negative reflection. And sometimes we receive the gift of someone coming forward to bring to our awareness just how stuck in the past they are by sharing with you what they truly think of your process! Now Dr. Wayne Dyer has a great saying about this particular phenomenon and it goes like this...."What other people think of me is none of my business. One of the highest places we can get to is being independent of the good (or not so good) opinions of others." This is the solid ice breaking ship of consciousness we need to break up old thoughts and move forward into smooth waters again. When we take our power back by allowing shifts in our thinking we can create such beautiful movement forward into healthy, whole and complete experiences. THIS IS KEY IN OUR GROWTH!! And honestly it is the key to creating a movement of forward flow for everyone. When I hold space for my Awakening to Truth Mentoring clients I hold space that they are constantly making break throughs and having Aha's all the time! If I get caught up in their story and begin to believe that they are not able to move forward then what does that say about my work with them? It says that I do not believe in my own created process and that they will not succeed!! And that in my world does not exist. I know the shift that they will ultimately experience because I believe that changing our minds is easy! I have a good friend Rev. Elizabeth Rowley who is the Spiritual Director of the Central Coast Center for Spiritual Living and her motto is the same as mine!! "Change your mind, Change your life!" It really is that easy. Letting go of our past and being in the present is easy when we let go and allow our thoughts to be focused on the present moment. Meditation was the beginning for me of finding my own truth and I have been allowing my thoughts to change everyday since that summer of 1992. My journey with the inner landscape has been a very interesting and complex journey not unlike the journey of Frodo and Sam in Lord of the Rings. Creating a place where I can channel the very darkness into a safe place that is not creating a sense of limit in my experience is what I found is be a powerful process. Then the darkness can be looked at and loved into the light. The very shadow of my nature is nothing but fear of also being the Divine essence that I am. That we all are. When we imagine others as being stuck in a limiting experience because they have struggled in the past or because they have had difficulties is to look at the surface of things from a materialistic point of view. The metaphysical meaning is so much deeper and the reality is that so much more is going on under the surface of peoples lives but if we judge them from the surface that we see with our physical eyes and not our intuition we are limiting the very fabric of the beautiful and rich tapestry that is their lives. And if we do not allow, in our own minds, the possibility that everyone will have a profound shift into a life filled with joy and peace and fulfillment then we are not doing humanity any service!! Your mind is a powerful tool, use it wisely. And if you find yourself in the compassionate place of concern for another, create the shift in your mind that they are smiling and happy and fulfilled. This costs nothing and is the gift we can give each other. Simply seeing everyone as powerful, as an amazing light in the world is free. Let your mind be filled with the possibility of heaven on earth. If everyone holds that space for this possibility then who is to say it can not happen? So if you feel others do not see you as you are but look at you with a sense of judgment, let go of their own projections and step into the light of a life free from others view of you. Be who you are and enjoy your worth and know what that is. You are a Divine being in a human form and you can have any experience you choose, put your mind to creating profound, amazing, joyful experiences!! And the truth is that when I honor that place in you that is Divine, I honor that place in me that is Divine and when we are both seeing this we are one.
Namaste!! Annapurna Devi
MissionMy mission is to help people become more in tune with their own Soul Spirit plus Spirit Teachers and Angelic Guides resulting in clarity and awareness of the Divine that lives within! Archives
June 2022
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