3/30/2015 0 Comments Magnificent and Glorious MondayToday is calm, sunny and peaceful. I feel like the storm of the recent planetary shift has subsided and my breathing is flowing easier and my attitude is more relaxed not quite so immediate in its approach to getting things done. So what happened and how do we integrate the enormous download. Well I don't know how you do it but have found that when the planets are aligning for greater and faster evolution I take a deep breath and let it happen. And with the wonderful available specific astrological information out there I usually read a few different essays on the current happenings. Then armed with the information my truly Gemini brain needs I follow a protocol of "no sudden moves" meaning if I get triggered and feel a possible reaction coming on I remember what is shifting and I take another deep breath and remind myself of the wonderful expansion my consciousness is having. Also I make an extra effort to feed my body well and drink lots of water. I know all of this sounds "well of course" but when the cosmic download is occurring these are the very things I forget to do! So when the moment has passed I feel a letting go happen then a more grateful attitude emerges towards my life. This also seems to help me create more compassion for all beings in my presence.
Currently my son has made a few new friends and I have met these amazing young men and see the clear direction of evolution happening in the minds and souls of the younger generation through what they are interested in and how they approach life. The openness with which they embrace all kinds of possible life experiences seems endless. My generation still has many who followed the previous generation in their footsteps not really making changes for themselves except perhaps for how some of them raised their children with less expectations and more allowing of their dreams and their real self to emerge. So even if my generation appears to replicate the status quo their children hopefully will take the next step into a new view and approach to this wonderful life we are given. Now I know quite a few people from my generation who are my close friends who have also shifted and created a different focus for themselves and for their lives and I am so grateful for their pioneering spirit as it allows me to continue to search and find a different way of experiencing my life from a deep sense of passion and doing what is my purpose in my life. Doing what I love to do, Tarot readings and classes, helping people find a healthy life again through nutrition coaching and singing and chanting with sacred music is all a part of my life now and I am incredibly grateful I have all this richness in my life on a daily basis. So if you see a young person struggle please make an effort to support and not judge or tell them they won't succeed or that they have to do things a certain way. Please give them unconditional love and support for their ideas and let them unfold in a way that creates strength and happiness. They are the ones who will show us the way as we get to old to continue. They are the new shining lights and as we are shining brightly now we show them the way until our own lights fade into the darkness of the past. They are important to us and to humanity as they will evolve with either compassion or a need for retribution. It is our choice how we embrace them, so take a deep breath and just listen and nod and encourage. And as Unity says, wherever we are God is so that includes these wonderful young souls. And so it is!!
3/23/2015 0 Comments Magnificent and windy Monday. Today I thought it would be a good idea to file some paperwork and bills, you know; get some organization, so I could find my desk. And Eureka I found my desk and even found some much needed clarity in my head.. Paperwork always has this numbing affect on my psyche. I am not aware of it while the paperwork is piling away on my desk but then when I begin to clear it away I find myself sighing and feeling relief in my head like the content of the paperwork is being deleted from my brain. Filed and/or recycled feels so much better than the ever growing pile. And as I was filing I noticed that today is a real spring day in Santa Maria as the wind is howling through the trees and the street has bags and leaves dancing along the sidewalks. I feel a bit like that right now. Swept along in my life with the energy of my business taking flight and so many ideas now manifest with actual tasks to keep the proverbial kite aloft. The wind is quite the metaphor for the movement of energy that is my life. In a way I think the filing was a way to exert control over the mounting energy that is taking over while I keep up with the momentum. I am so grateful and yet feeling a bit like that bag heading down Orange St. on it's way to who knows where....sigh I guess that some days are like that. The feeling of something else accelerating and only my ability to move papers from one place to another is the scope of control I seem to be able to exert over my life.. Don't get me wrong I love the momentum growing and doing all the things I love, just feeling a bit buffeted about by the pace and hoping that a few days of rest will get me back in the saddle again loping down the road of my new life feeling the breeze in my face and looking at the endless beauty in front of me.
Life is wonderful wind and all!! This Magnificent Monday I am feeling renewed, revived and thoroughly spent like I have made it through a marathon!! This weekend was a big one for me and started off with setting up Friday night for the Women's Symposium on Saturday. I meet many lovely souls including the producer Laura Grace. Truly her name is a testament to her, she was so gracious and kind and compassionate. And her talk was such a confirmation in creating meaningful and evolved partnerships. She illustrated such great connections for me through metaphor and even fariy tale archetypes that I really understood and yet had not ever made a connection with before. She was inspiring and illuminating presenting the opportunity for us to create more evolved partnerships.
I also enjoyed seeing old friends Ruth, Marisa Mary Sage and more while making new friends with women who were committed to their path and passion through their businesses!! It was an inspiration! I had the wonderful opportunity to be placed next to Larissa Stickney who was representing doTerra essential oils who also lives in Santa Maria! Larissa asked me to choose what blend I wanted to enjoy during the event!! I chose a citrus blend that was wonderful which kept me happy and alert the whole time. I am excited to know that there are so many wonderful essential oil companies creating amazing products besides my favorite Simplers. The other speaker I really connected to was Heather Mendel a fellow Tarot reader and scholar. She was such a lovely soul and so sincere in her taking time to talk with me about the evolution of Tarot and the relevant history. She was a true gem. And the card decks she has created were so unique and beautiful. I look forward to a new connection with a mentor and fellow Tarot enthusiast.. Her decks can be found on her website http://www.sacredfemininekabbalah.com And after that most filling of days I gathered myself for round 2 and went to Dances of Universal Peace and played the dumbek for the dance leader Yarrow. And witnessed my musical partner in Give Peace a Chants, Nur Latifa, share her beautiful rendition and dance of Ishq Allah. The musical energy was the perfect dessert for a very filling day I had experienced. I loved the gentle flow of sound and the beautiful souls who danced their way through the night in peace, laughter and soul presence. A lovely evening to recall throughout the month. I hope that all of you were filled with purpose or leisure and joy and happiness with the glorious days of sun, warmth and green hills and beautiful spring flowers everywhere. Peace and joy to you this week!! 3/9/2015 1 Comment Magnificent Monday!Today is a day of deep gratitude for my life! I feel connected and alive, motivated and serene. These feelings have arrived on the waves of bliss experienced afterI played kirtan for two hours at Unity Chapel of Light in Santa Mara. My kirtan/chant band Give Peace a Chants was so fortunate to play to a beautiful group of sweet souls who embraced our work and gift of music. And the experience was truly transformational for me. In fact I was so filled and "high" that I took my son to eat some Thai food after then we headed to Eldwayen Beach. Ahhhhhh the grounding force of nature and her elements. I climbed over rocks and watched various young children play with sea creatures in the tide pools or randomly toss rocks behind them in an effort to clear away the endless supply. They were so in the moment and immersed in the gift of this earth it was truly humbling to watch. I also felt the serene moment of watching my 19 year old son climb and explore as if he was a little one again. He was quiet and searching and watching, he was in the moment with me but on his own. This feeling of apart and together is most profound with its bittersweetness. My son is a man and although we share time together it is on a different plane now. We joke and laugh and share funny stories with each other but there is a lot of time we separate to do our "own thing". Watching the juxtaposition of the young children vs. my son was a realization that this experience of sharing but separate is what human beings do all the time. But the separation is only a construct of the mind. When the young children were immersed in the tasks of exploring they were also separate from their parents wandering in their own inner world and the beauty was when they shared their discoveries with one parent or the other. So it was with the kirtan, we played the instruments and lead the singing but then the sharing was so profound with each chant. The stillness created and the connection of the moment was transcendent. I am so grateful to be able to have this group of women especially my musical muse and sweet friend Nur Latifa. She has been the wind beneath my wings and the water gently carrying me to the shore of my most deep self. My gratitude knows no bounds. And at the end of the day my son called to me from the top of the cliff as he had climbed up over the big rocks to gain the summit.. And as we stood watching the other we smiled and I asked if he had climbed up from the boulders and he nodded. I turned to walk to the stairs as the day was wearing on me and I thought the better of not following his foot steps but being gentle on my bod so I took off my shoes and socks and felt the small smooth pebbles beneath my feet and even immersed my feet in the water and felt the ahhhhhh of the day settle into my bones. Today was one of those extraordinary days that come unexpectedly and brought with it the sweetest of gifts, deep peace.
3/2/2015 0 Comments Magnificent Monday! Storms a comin!! Today is Magnificent Stormy Monday:) I know that every Californian has been praying for rain and the water Gods and Goddesses with Iris of The Rainbow have blessed us with this glorious wetness. But I am feeling more than grateful for the rain and the blessed water!! I am feeling so grateful for the pouring down of spirit while playing Kirtan yesterday with my beloved musical friend Nur Latifa and all the beautiful souls that sang with us those sacred songs of the tribe of humanity in 4 different languages. What a BLESSING to witness our human tribe singing all together. This experience transcends age, culture, race, belief and dimension. The music is the connection, the harmony of our lives. And we are the conduits of the flow out to each other and the whole world. When I sit down and sing these sacred songs from traditions around the world I remember we are not separate but connected by the thread of spirits harmony. It is only when I disconnect from this song that I am separate and alone. When my soul sings and my voice joins in I am together with everyone that I love no matter where they may be in this world. Imagine a world where everyone sang to each other? Parents to their children, spouses to their partners, teachers to their students, siblings, friends and enemies all singing the song of spirit? Spirit music everywhere, flowing through each one of us everyday!! My invitation to you today is to listen to the song of the rain and sing with your whole being the gratitude of this beautiful miracle.. And sing to someone you love today and feel the flow of this harmony enfold you and the one you love:)
BLessings to all of you on this Magnificent Stormy Monday!!! |
MissionMy mission is to help people become more in tune with their own Soul Spirit plus Spirit Teachers and Angelic Guides resulting in clarity and awareness of the Divine that lives within! Archives
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