1/25/2017 0 Comments Bringing our Dreams to Life...How do we bring to life our hearts desire, the dreams that live in our souls? This is the question I am asking myself right now. What more can I do? I have created affirmations and say them regularly, visualize the life I want to live and appreciate the life I have in this moment....so what more is there that I can do? I feel the answer is in the photo I chose for today.......It speaks of trust and the ethers where the dream is manifesting and where the Divine is still forming the picture. The two birds represent the dream aloft in the sky traveling towards it's destination and the rainbow waterfall the flowing energy of the stream of consciousness I have formed in my mind of this desire for change in my life. The tree stands for foundation and grounding in that dream and my firm belief that it is entering my life. So much work and yet so much happiness went into the forming of this dream creation and I am feeling like a woman nesting getting ready for the birth of this beautiful child that is my life reborn. It is so exciting but sometimes I forget to see the excitement as I am so busy creating. But in this moment I feel like Christmas day is on it's way and the opening of the precious present will happen soon. Do you feel like the wonderful and miraculous is happening in your life? I hope so and if not then maybe let this be the moment you shift into dreaming and creating what you truly want in your life. What makes your soul sing and your heart feel like it is home. Is it a place, a person you desire to be with, a longed for job or the peace of a an everyday sense of well being. What ever it is keep affirming it is yours and keep creating the vision of your life as we are the dreamers and we are the ones creating this beautiful and miraculous life. Ask for help from your unseen Teachers and Guides, they are whispering in your ears that to dream is to live and vice versa. We are beings of light that create the way for ourselves and others......shine brightly your brave and courageous hearts for everyone to see and know how much this is changing those around you!! When you open up to the vulnerability of dreaming it can be scary sometimes and that can feel immobilizing but never give the fear more attention than your belief that you deserve happiness. Feel the fear and do it anyway.....turn it around to excitement because that is really what it is. Excitement that your life is waiting for you to claim it and live in joy, peace and harmony!! So what are you waiting for??? Go out there and dream it, live it, be it!! And give thanks to everyone who put you on this beautiful path to bliss:) I am now joining you on the path to my greatest good and am ready for the adventure of a loving and joyful life full of what my heart has desired for many years!! May we live our dreams!!
Many blessings on the path to your Dreams!! AnnKathleen
1/16/2017 0 Comments Keeping the Dream Alive!!I wasn't fortunate enough to there when Dr. King gave his speech about his dream but I have felt his presence in his words since I was a young adult. To have the strength to pursue a path that involves standing up to bullies that hold contempt and hate for you has always been impressive to me. But to stand up to them with compassion and love is a whole other level of depth that surpasses the average person. I feel that his message is calling us forth to this level of presence in our current circumstance with the administration that is taking office soon. How can we take up the mantle of this great man and move our nation forward? How can each one of us make a difference in the lives of those around us? I think that for some of us the grand gestures of marching with signs and shouting to the roof tops that something isn't right is one way. I also think that the presence of someone holding the hand of a frightened child who has just lost their home is also just as powerful and illustrates the character Dr. King was referring to in his quote. And I happen to know someone who does the latter. She is someone that I admire greatly and am to grateful to know. Her work with the most unfortunate in this particular local has been going on for over 20 years. Her dedication and love for the people who are the most down trodden in our society, who by circumstances out of their control find themselves without homes have a friend to turn to and she makes every effort to create an avenue for them to have access to the basics, food, water, shelter and love. And one of the most important factors in her work is that she is driven by love for her fellow humans. She does not see them as just homeless but as people with stories and hearts that have become broken and dreams that have been lost. She not only picks up the pieces of their lives as best she can within a system that is flawed in it's bureaucracy and inefficiency but she also does it with the upmost respect for them as human beings. She has a dream....a dream that all people have shelter. That they have a well lighted place to call home. And this dream to me is more pertinent than packing up and traveling to a far away place for a week or two supporting a cause that is also important but not in front of us everyday that has had numerous videos on FB, myriads of blogs written and famous radio celebrities arrested or a cause that is marketed well and funded with the option to purchase a great T-shirt and the place to be seen by your friends. This quiet work is done after hours or during the pouring down rain or by putting off going home to fix dinner for her family. This work is done day in and day out even after everyone has put away their signs and have returned to their warm houses enjoying the Central Coast as the beautiful place they call home. She is not a weekend or vacation activist, she is an everyday doer where her plans are dictated by those who need a roof over their heads and food to eat today. And these people she helps are here in our backyard.......not thousands of miles away. The thing that astounds me about my friend is that she states facts that are obstacles in her way and still tries to find solutions despite the up hill battle she faces with community members who are more interested in accolades than finding the Vet down at the creek a place to hang his hat and a job to afford putting food in his mouth. And yet she accepts the conditions and continues to find 'work arounds' for the system because she knows that to sleep on the cold ground and huddle in the rain is neither a choice nor a way of life that anyone would choose no matter how much they may say it is. No one wants to sleep on a WWII cot in a room full of other people with equally disparaging albeit different stories of how they also came to be without the most basic of needs, shelter. She understands that everyone not only deserves this basic need but also deserves not her pity but her understanding of their circumstance and their value as individuals. Some of them have served our country, some are mothers with young children and others are confused and can not find the mental where with all to make sound and safe decisions. THESE are the ones that we have forgotten or stepped over in our haste to be somewhere that is changing the face of popular underground news or makes us feel good about ourselves......so wake up to the reality that some hero's are here in our midst doing work that needs to be done. And perhaps all of us can take a cue from this heart centered woman as she shows us how to be relevant in the lives of someone who needs our help just a few steps away from our homes. And as she guides her own daughters on this path as well we can see the next generation of dream makers. And these new dreamers just might come up with a way to find homes for everyone and we can all sleep better knowing that there are no people huddling on the concrete in the shadows on a cold night feeling the dampness seeping into their clothes. That they have a home.
My friend is Dee Torres and started a non-profit called SLO Housing Connection. http://www.slohousingconnection.org/ If you want to make a difference in our local community call her or donate to continue to assist her in making her dream come true that no one is without shelter or a place to call home.. She is also on FB https://www.facebook.com/slohousingconnection/?fref=ts Blessings, AnnKathleen |
MissionMy mission is to help people become more in tune with their own Soul Spirit plus Spirit Teachers and Angelic Guides resulting in clarity and awareness of the Divine that lives within! Archives
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