"People want you to be happy. Don't keep serving them your pain!
If you could untie your wings and free your soul of jealousy, you and everyone around you would fly up like doves" Rumi How many times do we call up a friend to vent and feel sooo much better for having unburdened ourselves!! Well, maybe for the moment, until the next disruptive feeling comes which causes us to feel the need to vent again. What if we made a huge big deal about feeling really great and happy and joyful and had to call our friends because we felt so damn good? What if we made little of the rest of our feelings, like despair and loneliness or anger and frustration? In other words, noticed they were there but didn't attach all our attention to them. And when we felt courageous and beautiful we called everyone we know and spread the good vibe far and wide? Just pondering these ideas and seeing that it might feel strange and wonderful and actually those friends who embrace your happiness are the keepers and those that are triggered by this elation might need to exit stage left for awhile. Just remembering and noticing how often we embrace each other when we are down and tend to keep to ourselves if we are feeling wonderful. Or perhaps this is just me.....and if so, then I am going to see about checking in the next time I feel really great!! Oh that would be now....hmmmm maybe in a little while after I finish my first cup of coffee. I think I will just simmer in the joy and pleasantness of the moment. Kind of like the stewing from a situation that is not going my way. But different:) This time I am going to save up the good feelings for when I make that call. Then vent away with my happiness!! Hey maybe you want to try this with me??? Let me know how it works out for you.
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Thanks so much to Carlos, Dede and Brenda for your wonderful insights!! It is such an honor to be on this journey with such great souls. I am always amazed at how differently I think about life than some of my closest friends. But I always learn something from them. Different strokes for different folks is certainly the theme with personal journeys and I am grateful that I had the feedback I did from all of you:)
I am on a journey of increasing joy and peace, play and harmony. These are the pieces that feel closest to my heart for me. I have had so many lifetimes of struggle that this time I choose to focus on letting the focus be peace and harmony. This is something that I work on everyday. And while I fall short at times I find that just having the goal in my mind brings me closer to experiencing this everyday. This means choosing who I spend my time with, where and when. As Abraham-Hicks says, the more you experience joy, the more you experience joy, the more you experience joy. And vice versa, the more we experience pain, the more we experience pain, etc. I find this comforting in a weird way that whatever I am focusing on is what shows up......So what do I want today?? Sunshine!!! SO I will focus on warmth and sunny glow and see where it takes me. Of course since I don't have control of the weather I will have to feel the warmth within and project my own glow from the inside out!!! Either way I choose to experience a beautiful day!! Hope you do too 7/22/2012 3 Comments Lazy Daze of SummerSummer of 2012 seems to be a mixed bag for people. Some of us are dealing with extreme life challenges and some of us are dealing with minor inconveniences and others are just in a complete daze! I find that on the whole though, 2012 has not been the destructive force for evil that was predicted. I am glad that if I still focus on the positive aspects of my life instead of the challenges I can find peace. That I have succumbed to feeling sorry for myself at times not with standing I feel that I am still in control of whether I experience the joy life has to bring or the sadness of a passing feeling. I think that the key here is balance and whatever we choose in a day to experience is perfect even the so called blues! If we decide the next day to be happy no matter what then it was all worth it. Too many of us are looking for the perfect feeling all the time and while I do believe this is possible (sorry I was distracted by a hummingbird perched on a small twig on the tree outside my window) yes joy is all around us but sometimes we must just allow the feeling of inadequacy to prevail so that we can understand the contrasting feeling of JOY. And if we extend the feeling of joy each time we can make this the feeling that is experienced more of the time. What are your thoughts on the subject?????
7/5/2012 0 Comments Happy post 4th of July!I am always surprised at the enthusiasm of the American people during this holiday! It seems that we all become children of the revolution once more. We sing the Star Spangled Banner and America the Beautiful with the sense of pride that we are living in a place where potential to be ourselves is available everyday. Sometimes though we see evidence that part of our populace are suffering and many times we try to are make a difference in their lives through community outreach and giving of ourselves to make it better for those of us who need it. This makes me so proud to be American and I remind us all of the ability to become what we truly feel we want to become simply because opportunity here is still the best to be found from around the world. So if you have a feeling that there is more in life that you want to access and become I encourage you to envision it and begin the journey to become it. After all the founding people of this nation did not set out to settle this land with the idea that they would become the creators of this nation we now call America. But through circumstances that were unbearable did they decide to make a change. All of us see circumstances that we feel need to change and we have this ability to effect this change in our lives and the lives of others. WE CAN BE THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD. Lets do it!!
MissionMy mission is to help people become more in tune with their own Soul Spirit plus Spirit Teachers and Angelic Guides resulting in clarity and awareness of the Divine that lives within! Archives
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