Charlie Brown is physically shaking as the little red haired girl gives him a kiss. Does she love him? Or does she feel sorry for him? And how does he feel about receiving the kiss? I don't know if he even knows especially with this Mercury Retrograde how would anyone know?! And with Mercury in retrograde in Aquarius, which is an air sign vs. the past years retrogrades in water signs, we will feel even more at a loss of what to think about well, everything. But do not despair, unexpected moments of bliss and synchronicity will emerge if we let go and allow the energy to flow around and through us without expectation and flexibility. And flexibility is the most important element here! Bend like the reed, not the oak or the evergreen trees that sometimes break during storms. Now is the time to be that plant that while grounded in the earth will be flexible enough to sway with the winds of change. And the winds are blowing all around us with change. We have a new Presidential administration that is actually doing something and a virus that is mutating as we speak to keep the pandemic alive, not to mention the personal issues that arise as well as all the issues in our society that have not really improved or changed yet.
So take a breath and realize that everything is changing quietly whether we take notice or not. Change is the one constant we can rely on. And during a Mercury Retrograde everything kind of slows down, appointments are delayed, phones and computers glitch out or shut down for awhile, travel plans change according to flight cancelations and our own personal communications break down. But don't we all need a break? So allow this moment, these 3 weeks, to slow you down. You don't have to make any major decisions, it really is not recommended. Do not sign any contracts, start new relationships or make changes in residence or job during this time. So again I say, sit back, take a moment to change your shoes and put on that cardigan sweater with Mr. Rogers and relax while life continues to move forward without you struggling against the tides or winds of change trying to force your will. Let it take you for a ride, keep your focus on flexibility and self care. And watch what can happen when we do nothing. I know this is counter intuitive to most Americans, this non-doing, but if you give it a try I promise the Universe will bring you a gift of exactly what you need. And while this flexibility does not mean we have to do nothing the whole time, we must be mindful of the cues when to take action. This is the subtle key to flexibility. Knowing when to move and when to sit still is the content of this next level course in Earth School. We just moved into a post graduate or Masters course that not everyone will be ready for but sink or swim the planets say. Saturn square Uranus, at this time, says that if we have not been dealing with our internal world by changing ourselves and our patterns of conditioned thinking into a new way, they will be so kind to help us see the light. In other words if you have not applied yourself to this practice of change you might be forced through shocking news to pay attention much like touching an electric fence that is live. We just might be shocked into change if we do not go willingly. Saturn is the revealer of hidden things and Uranus is the electric planet of immediate change through shaking things up. Have I said we must be flexible yet? I feel as if I have, but one can not say it enough, flexibility, flexibility, flexibility. Even though it might look like we are going into the storm without a coat, hat or scarf if we go willingly the Universe will provide us with what we need and we will survive. I have a client that is working on cultivating faith and trust in herself and in the powers that be, also called our Spiritual Staff, Angelic help etc. and I feel that February is all about this theme of faith and trust for all of us. So if you need something, help, clarity, prosperity, health, love or anything else, ask for it, name it and allow the powers that be to help and bring you what you need. We are not alone and need to make sure we cultivate the power of asking, prayer, clear allowing whatever you want to call it, ask for help from your Spiritual Staff! The more you give your life over to co-creation with Spirit the more life will flow and be easeful for you. You see Spirit sees when we are creating from conditioned thinking and if we are lucky they might send it away or create a distraction so we don't keep repeating ourselves. And when we ultimately invite Spirit into our creating they steer us in the right direction. I am not sure what will happen with Charlie Brown but I do know that if he continues to value himself and learn to appreciate his uniqueness he will have a good chance at a happy life with the little red haired girl and she with him. Valentines day will be right in the middle of this Mercury Retrograde so allow a little more patience with yourself and others while cultivating some self love. As you do this the reflection just might emerge in the midst of this unpredictable time. Remember I did say at the beginning that when we let go the Universe will bring us beautiful gifts of synchronicity and bliss even during a Mercury Retrograde so do not despair. This is where we allow our little life boat to be carried by the powerful waters of Spirt and even if it gets a bit choppy we will be safe and taken care of by benevolent beings of light. But it is ultimately up to us whether we surrender or fight the coming waves of change. I for one am going to breathe into the state of allowing. I hope you do too. May the force by with you my friends!! So many blessings to all of you! AnnKathleen / Annapurna Devi Awakening to Harmony * Awakening to Truth Mentoring
MissionMy mission is to help people become more in tune with their own Soul Spirit plus Spirit Teachers and Angelic Guides resulting in clarity and awareness of the Divine that lives within! Archives
June 2022
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