12/29/2016 0 Comments Balance in all things......We fall, we get up and we fall again.....but do we see what was out of balance in order to correct it and prevent falling in the same way again? Balance is the key to everything in life.....nature understands this profoundly and beautifully. When snow gets too heavy on the mountainside an avalanche creates a shift and balance is restored. Then why do I question change when it arrives to show me where I need to shift to restore balance? As humans we are constantly looking for routine and sameness as if this will create safety against change. The cycle of life shows us everyday that change is the only constant, flowers and leaves die to make way for winter. Snow melts to make way for Spring. Things change. Babies are born, children learn to walk and talk and then run from us towards their life. We see people come and go in our lives and want so desperately to keep them there even if their presence has outgrown the season or reason for being in our lives. I am humbled by my hearts desire to keep the deepest heart connection I have felt in this lifetime with me. And yet this connection has it's ebb and flow but I always find that it returns and this is what keeps my heart smiling. And yet when deep connections with souls that depart from us to the other dimension happens all we can do is mourn the loss of the physical sense that we no longer have with them. The animals that have died in my arms and hands are numerous and I am always brought to a place of deepest sorrow and yet profound and moving peace that they have released their souls and are moving towards the next part of their journey. Change is inevitable and balance is restored when change shifts us from one direciton to another. And yet we can continue to find new ways to return to those whom we feel most connected to. Letting go and trusting, feeling the faith that they will return and that they desire to return as well is something that is felt deeeply within all of us. When we recognize those who no longer benefit our lives but take from it and give nothing in return or very little we see that change is important to our well being. And letting them go to be with those who are serving them best is the kindest thing we can do. It is when we struggle to hang on to something or someone that we create fear that if we open our hands to let it fly away we will never see it or them again. But I am a firm believer that if it is truly meant to be in your life it will return when the time is right. This is a practice of relaxing into the void, the unknown and trusting that your highest good will be served by you releasing all fear and letting yourself be supported. This practice becomes your Tai Chi of flowing with change. Life is a constant flowing river of change and you can either swim with the current or fight to be upstream and exhuast yourself. Sometimes fighting is part of the process and we all see the benefit of the Salmon swimming his way upstream. But when these times call to us we know we are in the flow because the energy to fight upstream comes easily and effortlessly. And we eventually get to rest at the end of the journey. But if we always fight and never let go and flow with the current we will never know peace and our place in the scheme of things. The Divine plan will not be revealed to us and we will feel the pain and struggle that is not necessary. So when change shows up whether it is what you have longed for or not, let go of the side of the river bank and float with the current of your life. It will never send you over the falls unless that is what you need and you will survive and continue on your way to more peaceful waters. Freedom is in the letting go and not in the holding on.....so free yourselves today of attachments and schedules and see where your life current wants you to go. Enjoy the relaxation of putting yourself in the hands of the Divine ones who love you and care for your well being at all times. You are loved and cared for so let yourself be taken for a ride my loves!!!
Blessings, AnnKathleen
12/4/2016 0 Comments Chop wood, carry water .....![]() The well known Zen statement of "Before enlightnment chop wood, carry water, after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." is comforting me in many ways these days. While I am tending my heart in it's healing I still have to do the dishes, laundry, go to the grocery store and celebrate birthdays and get ready for the holidays. So keeping my head in the day to day tasks is how I can keep from falling down the rabbit hole of sadness and the tears fall only some of the time now and only when my mind is not part of the task I am doing but wanders into the depths of the story that it tells about my heart. But then I see that my mind is just trying to make sense of the sorrow in my heart. So I tell my mind to go back to chopping wood and carrying water because the heart knows what it knows and will be ok. The love that lives there is strong and patient. The heart is a wonderful and amazing part of our being and will always steer us in the right direction. Even when it feels the emotions of love lost or love disconnected it sees the truth that we are never far from our deepest heart connections. Even when those we know we are most connected to are confused and distant with their communication their hearts still communicate with ours and the seperation is all in the perception of time and location which in the realm of the heart does not affect the love and the feeling that they are still a part of our lives everyday. When we can see with our hearts beyond our eyes and feelings we see that the love that we feel is still there and waiting on that one soul to return to us in the physical. And when they do we can embrace them in the physical and yet they never really left our hearts at all. So when I feel the perception of distance in the physical realm I go back to chopping wood and carrying water and do those tasks that need to be done in my life. Life gives us plenty of reminders to stay vigilent with our lives and continue on the path of simplicity and diligence. This is not often easy in this modern society. We have forgotten how to chop the wood and carry the water and this is often why we have the modern emotional dysfunctions of depression and stress. We have not put our backs into the tasks of our lives. Exercising trys to accomplish this and does get the body feeling fit and healthy but the task of chopping wood and carrying water is also a mental task of doing for ourselves those things that modern society has now provided for us without our doing. So how can we bring back the mental and physical relief of tasks into our lives for everyday healing? I think it is different for everyone but for me writing and putting down in word form the process of my thoughts is the carrying water and walking the dog or physically cleaning my house, laundry, doing the dishes, making dinner and providing for my family through my business is the chopping wood part. I am making a difference just by finishing one task at a time and feeling the accomplishment in that moment before going on to the next task. Take time to resonate with what you have completed in your day and see what importance it made to those around you. Send a loving note or message to those who are having a difficult time because when we can see those who are suffering deep inside and need our encouragement and we respond to those needs and also to the needs of our own physical and emotional selves as well we are tending the en"light"enment part of life. So the cycle continues, chop wood, carry water, en"light"en yours and someone elses life, chop wood, carry water. And remember the fire you sit beside during this holiday time and enjoy the warmth of came from your task of bringing in the wood and building that fire and the tea that you drink beside that fire is the water you carried to the kettle, and if you made a cup for someone you love I hope that you enjoy sitting beside them in front of that fire as well. Sharing the tasks of life with someone you love is the ultimate gift, if you are so lucky to have this in your life, give thanks for it and enjoy every moment! The precious gift of sharing a life with someone you love is truly the most precious present we can ever recieve. And if you are missing that one someone who was there but is now gone appreiciate when they were there and go and chop wood and carry water until they return. Blessings to you all, AnnKathleen |
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