My mind is drawn back to a time over 20 years ago when I lived in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The years where I was becoming aware of a hidden world just next to ours and that seeing with my physical eyes was only part of the scene set as this 3rd dimensional reality. This journey of understanding started with watching and listening to the forest area that was at the end of the backyard where I lived. This area is and was home to so many beautiful physical and hidden worlds. This was the beginning of understanding that there is so much more to know besides what we see and feel with our 5 senses. It seems surreal to be here now in this moment, watching the grey squirrels busily hiding nuts in the grass taking a moment to perk up their heads and listen to the sounds of the wind through the creaking trees as they move adjusting to the cold. I am struck by the beauty of this area and the colors the leaves provide every Fall. This is a magical place! The elemental and faye energies are strong here with all the brush, trees and winding roads. It was hardly difficult to connect then or now! Just reaching out energetically I find myself seeing and feeling the realities of these natural energies thriving in the wild parts of this countryside. Even though there is so much growth and change since I was here last they are still strong and vibrant albeit a bit quieter now. The natural world is watching as the animals are collecting their food for the winter and the humans tarry forth to the grocery store and reside in their modern world along side this magical and natural place. Side by side the worlds live sometimes interacting sometimes not even aware of the others presence. I am now aware that I am a bridge for these worlds. And we need many more bridges to survive to the next level of dimensional shift! The shift that will allow us to know these worlds and many more from a higher vibrational place. These dimensions will reveal themselves when we have attained the consciousness and compassion to listen to our higher selves and not the mind/ego. Bridges are those people who see and feel the wonder of a natural place beyond what they physically see and feel. The energy just behind the beauty of a place is where the inner connection to the other dimensional realities exist. Many poets and naturalists recognized this phenomena, Hafiz, Rumi, Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Edward Bach, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Emily Dickenson, Mary Oliver, John O' Donohue and my own father James G. Piatt. These writers and mystics captured so much of the feeling life of a beautiful natural place. Reading my fathers poems always takes me right to my mother's herb garden or his vegetable gardens from past years that were thriving with happy plants. And also to those wild natural places where we took hikes. These wild places is where the veil is most thin between our physical created modern world and the hidden realms of other dimensions. Why the other dimensions are so strongly felt in these places I am not sure. I think it is possibly because we are absorbed into the quiet of a place and relax and breathe deeply into the peace that exists there. My son is sure this is where he feels a sense of 'church'. The majestic and mystic come together in a reality of Divine proportions. I am so grateful to see and feel the beauty of this area again and understand the direction my life took that has increased my understanding of the power and gift of natural places! If you resonate with these words and find yourself nodding in agreement reflecting on your own personal experience with the natural places that you have resonated with I encourage you to explore becoming a bridge to help in our evolution and ascension into higher realms. Seeing through the veil the holographic nature of modern society with all it's interesting experiences of contrast that we engage in to learn something about our true nature is truly a phenomenal experience! Becoming a bridge means we talk about the experiences we have in the natural world that are beyond this 3rd dimensional reality we call our day to day world. Continuing to strive to experience and create peace and solutions within the paradigm of contrast is the goal of a bridge. Feeling compassion and reaching out to each other in a way that is respectful with a feeling that all experience is valuable regardless of the judgement of an experience as less than or more than another breaks the illusion of 3rd dimension. Success is not measured by the acquisition of things or amassing forms of monetary means! I am talking about finding a place within that connects with a higher purpose and feeling of Spirit. The Spirit which resides in all and everywhere at the same time is not concerned with our illusions of duality. We are not separate from but a part of this great energy that continually creates the ever expanding Universe. We are part of a cosmic family not just this planet Earth. We are related to a greater family that is ready and willing to connect with us and assist us in moving forward to the next dimension to join them and return to our Divine selves. So many avatars have tried to speak to this truth in a variety of ways but in our pre-programed narratives, where we forget who we are in order to experience a convincing experience here in the 3rd dimension, we created religious narratives that instilled contrast and duality. The perpetuation of these narratives keep us from moving forward into a new reality that transcends this one and creates a bridge to other realities in higher dimensions. If we spend time quietly in nature or in a space we create in our homes that speaks directly to our inner selves we will eventually remember this is all just illusion, just an experience with a personality we chose like a video game character we create. We go through this illusion with challenges and 'bosses' to get to the next level. How we see this experience is up to us, how we choose to play the game is up to us! Do we lose sometimes for a certain experience or do we chose to win? Both are valuable in differing ways. And nothing is wasted or less than another. Pain, suffering is all valuable albeit a hard route to choose. And we can also choose a different path everyday or even every minute. The narrative is ours to play with and change at will. The challenge then is remembering that we control the narrative that we are not at the mercy of anything outside of us. The illusion is strong though and it takes time to override this system and connect to our original Divine operating system. But this is the opportunity we have in front of us! To remember who we are, connected to everything and everyone. Not as lowly human beings but as beautiful Divine beings having a human and 3rd dimensional experience. How beautiful this illusion is and playing joyfully within it can be our everyday experience!! How do you want to play out the rest of your game? If you feel called to learn how to be a true bridge and Guide for others check out my Guide in Training Program! It will change your life and the lives of others that you touch. And we need you! I am honored to accept people from all walks of life and realities. The richness and uniqueness you present here and now is perfect for the work of bridging this 3 dimensional reality to the 5th dimension and on up. Join me in this adventure and life work! Fill out the contact form at the bottom for more information. So much joy to all of you and I empower you to relate to yourself as a Divine being instead of a lost or broken human. The latter is just your life character and not who you are but a role you are playing. Show up as your true self and see the game change! To you and all your realities how ever you choose to see them! Annapurna Devi Awakening to Harmony
MissionMy mission is to help people become more in tune with their own Soul Spirit plus Spirit Teachers and Angelic Guides resulting in clarity and awareness of the Divine that lives within! Archives
June 2022
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