3/30/2015 0 Comments Magnificent and Glorious MondayToday is calm, sunny and peaceful. I feel like the storm of the recent planetary shift has subsided and my breathing is flowing easier and my attitude is more relaxed not quite so immediate in its approach to getting things done. So what happened and how do we integrate the enormous download. Well I don't know how you do it but have found that when the planets are aligning for greater and faster evolution I take a deep breath and let it happen. And with the wonderful available specific astrological information out there I usually read a few different essays on the current happenings. Then armed with the information my truly Gemini brain needs I follow a protocol of "no sudden moves" meaning if I get triggered and feel a possible reaction coming on I remember what is shifting and I take another deep breath and remind myself of the wonderful expansion my consciousness is having. Also I make an extra effort to feed my body well and drink lots of water. I know all of this sounds "well of course" but when the cosmic download is occurring these are the very things I forget to do! So when the moment has passed I feel a letting go happen then a more grateful attitude emerges towards my life. This also seems to help me create more compassion for all beings in my presence.
Currently my son has made a few new friends and I have met these amazing young men and see the clear direction of evolution happening in the minds and souls of the younger generation through what they are interested in and how they approach life. The openness with which they embrace all kinds of possible life experiences seems endless. My generation still has many who followed the previous generation in their footsteps not really making changes for themselves except perhaps for how some of them raised their children with less expectations and more allowing of their dreams and their real self to emerge. So even if my generation appears to replicate the status quo their children hopefully will take the next step into a new view and approach to this wonderful life we are given. Now I know quite a few people from my generation who are my close friends who have also shifted and created a different focus for themselves and for their lives and I am so grateful for their pioneering spirit as it allows me to continue to search and find a different way of experiencing my life from a deep sense of passion and doing what is my purpose in my life. Doing what I love to do, Tarot readings and classes, helping people find a healthy life again through nutrition coaching and singing and chanting with sacred music is all a part of my life now and I am incredibly grateful I have all this richness in my life on a daily basis. So if you see a young person struggle please make an effort to support and not judge or tell them they won't succeed or that they have to do things a certain way. Please give them unconditional love and support for their ideas and let them unfold in a way that creates strength and happiness. They are the ones who will show us the way as we get to old to continue. They are the new shining lights and as we are shining brightly now we show them the way until our own lights fade into the darkness of the past. They are important to us and to humanity as they will evolve with either compassion or a need for retribution. It is our choice how we embrace them, so take a deep breath and just listen and nod and encourage. And as Unity says, wherever we are God is so that includes these wonderful young souls. And so it is!!
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