7/30/2017 0 Comments Spirit calls us.....Spirit calls us forth today to shine as a beacon of light while also balancing and understanding the darkness within us. Light and dark, peace and turmoil, growth and death, endings and beginnings, the more I explore my own inner landscape I see the need for balance and acknowledgment of both sides of myself as well as the other parts that contain a little of both. The complexities of being a piece of the Divine Creative Spark within this corporeal body are great and subtle. Even though we strive to understand the motivations within our desires and rummage through our past lives like so much history stored in large and dusty books on the shelves of our unconscious we fall short sometimes in our embracing of peace. When this happens to me I am more inclined to tell the truth of what I feel inside to myself than I ever have before in my life. This way of truth telling is powerful and illuminating, like shining a flashlight into the darkest places in the forests of our minds where potential beasts live and devour our innocence. When I am feeling angry towards a situation, person or circumstance in my life I navigate the intricacies of emotion and find the truth within the feeling itself. Even if I am aware that I am blaming someone for the way I feel, or a circumstance for an unsatisfactory experience I am shedding the cloak of guilt trading this for baring my soul to myself and through tears or feelings of failure I can keep moving forward towards the inner light that never fades nor diminishes its divine golden cast on my truth. As long as I continue to wander the forest moving towards the light as a beacon within the darkness I can pick up valuable items of truth along the way like so much treasure to keep with me and retain when I do find the resolve and peace of the light. These items found in the darkness I feel are similar to the Littlest Angel's box of earthly treasures he wishes to see again while he is in heaven. Even though he is enjoying his time in heaven and all the beauty and love it contains he longs to see the bits and pieces he collected when he was in a boy on the earth. I feel that those pieces are the treasures we find in our own dark places within that have an intrinsic value and meaning to us alone. How can we continue to explore with bravery the inner world even if the scariest of monsters live there and even if we find that they wear the face we find in the mirror of others that reflects our own inadequacies or what we think are the ugliest parts of ourselves? This is the hardest part of living on this planet and learning the ways of the heart and soul through these lifetimes. Place yourself in the Divines hands and follow the lead of Spirit and take a walk within yourself and see what treasures can be found in the forest of your own mind. Collect these realizations and put them in a box in your mind to recall with love and care the lessons learned and the forgiveness you extend to that part of yourself and understand that the reflection in someone else's eyes was only a facade that was there to teach you something about yourself. So my dears what did you learn looking into their eyes?? To love or hate yourself? To understand the truth of what was? To trust yourself or not? Whatever it was put it in your collection box and hold it to your heart as it is treasure with which you will return to with love and understanding someday. Be gentle with yourselves and love deeply what you are and the emanation that you have created this time around! Shine brightly for someone else even if they do not know how to return the light but carry away their own light away from you. The love and light within you never diminished and never went away.
Love and light and blessings to all of you!! AnnKathleen Divine Inspiration divining.weebly.com
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