10/24/2018 0 Comments Persephone and the Pomegranate seeds.This time of year I love to tell the story of Persephone and the Pomegranate seeds. Her story of abduction by Hades and being taken to the underworld as his future wife tells of the theme of the four seasons. It is a story of innocence growing to maturity and keeping vigilance over indulging too much. Persephone did not have a choice but to succumb to the forces that had more control over her life than she. But she was able to keep from falling into the trap of eating or drinking in the underworld which would have meant she was to stay there forever. She only ate 6 pomegranate seeds and when Zeus came down to find her and Hades announced she had eaten the 6 pomegranate seeds Zeus negotiated her return for 6 months out of the year and after she would return to the underworld for the other 6 months.. And when she is gone to the underworld the earth becomes fallow with cold and snow as her mother Demeter becomes full of despair and sadness and the earth dies in the cold and ice of her grief. When I hear this story or tell it it I always feel like I have had a rich meal full of spiritual sustenance. There are so many messages of metaphor within the story itself and yet to dissect the essence of the experience of hearing or telling the story takes away the very potency of it's magic. Listening to stories around a bon fire is a timeless human activity that has created a bonding with those who are present. Tonight at the Full Moon Gathering, which I lead every month, I told this story again and the magic it wove was as if the story were brand new. The women in circle became both Persephone and Demeter in their claiming of the story and how it touched different parts of them. When we give our power away we feel like Persephone, innocent and unprotected. When someone we love is having a difficult time and we are powerless to change it we become Demeter and wander the land in grief until that time when our loved ones are returned to us as whole and happy. We identify with the ideas within the story lines that illustrate to us human themes of emotional moments of revelation. The telling of this story at this time of year sets the theme of going inside of ourselves to explore the inner regions of our lives because nature is slowing down and the nights are colder and longer and we must find the shining light within us to warm us up when it is dark and also to encourage our loved ones to feel our own warmth and light as well. Hades is the winter and Persephone brought him her lovely light to shine for 6 months of the year in his world. Who is Hades in our life that needs our light? And how can give just the right amount of ourselves so that we do not lose sight of being available to take care of ourselves? When we emerge from the emotional underworld of those who need us into the light of self care and nurturing ourselves to stay healthy we are keeping the balance. Helping others is a human inclination but should not be in lieu of taking care of ourselves. Shining our light but also taking a break and being in the darkness of our own inner life is paramount to a healthy life, So when you are thinking of how many events to attend this coming season and how much activity to participate in and how much help to give to others make it exactly commensurate with how much time you spend taking care of yourself and enjoying time just for you! In this way you will continue to flourish and be available in a healthy way to those you love and who love you. Then the moments of activity and inward time will be in balance. You can become the Persephone who is actually benefiting from time spent in helping and in time spent just enjoying yourself. May you all have a beautiful evening and enjoy viewing the Moon Goddess in all her glory!! She is a sight to behold each month as she shines brightly on us sending us her light and love.
Warmest blessings to all! AnnKathleen Divine Inspiration through the Art of Alchemy
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