2/5/2015 1 Comment Nutrition and intuitionNutrition and intuition go hand in hand. I have been muscle testing foods and supplements for years now for myself and have also helped clients refine their nutrient needs since 2001. I know personally how difficult it can be to know what to eat, when to eat and how much. And there are so many choices when it comes to advice!! There are emphatic "professional" opinions flying all around us about how this way of eating is best or this diet will help you shed 30 pounds in a week. So what I like to do is read and decide for myself and then muscle test to see if my head is in sync with my body!! So for me and my body we find a moderate intake of mostly protein and lots of veggies is best. And when I engage in eating this way I feel great and well nourished. And sometimes I choose to eat differently and feel not so great. So why tell you the truth even though I work with people finding the best nutritional choices for them? Because I am not a perfect human being. And sometimes I choose palate over health. And when I do this it is infrequent and I thoroughly enjoy myself!! So when you are considering a not so perfect choice check in with your intuition and see how it will affect you and for how long. I usually check in first before diving into a less than perfect choice and like the other day felt the risk was not worth the immediate gratification so made a better choice. This is a great way to increase your own connection with food and your body. When you check in either with muscle testing or just simply asking your body whether what you are going to eat is the best choice you will actually get an answer with a heavy or uhhh feeling or a yah that's it feeling. The more you practice this the more you will be more precise with your own personal nutritional needs. And if you need help with getting started I am more than happy to pull out the pendulum and move the process along kind of like being the training wheels on the bike. When your ready you can start doing this on your own!! I love working with people and creating an easy and targeted nutritional intake that your body is craving. Health is easy if you listen to yourself and trust your intuition!! And if you feel like you don't have time to put together the ingredients or cook a well balanced meal every night I have a friend Virginia who makes meals and has a weekly menu to choose from check out www.vertfoods.com for more information. I also specialize in creating specially blended herb teas specific to your needs and will put together a jar of loose tea full of a blend of herbs tasty and healthy just for you!! So let your body guide you to a balanced way of eating and remember the relationship you have with your body and nourishing it is a process that needs attention to create lasting health.
1 Comment
thanks for this. It reminds me of the day I went to New Earth on Chorro and everything I tasted I felt like my body was moving towards it as in muscle testing even though I wasnt doing muscle testing per se but the "thought" that kept coming up as I sampled this and then that was that this was "medicine" and was floored each time. Yes it was a bit more expensive but then again this is my body and I need to listen to it more and more often.. So thanks fro writing about food this way.
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