11/3/2016 0 Comments How to let go.....Letting go of those people we love dearly that no longer serve our highest good is one of the most difficult things I think as humans we ever have to do. Especially when we have memories of so many other lifetimes with these individuals that were also difficult; there is a sense of desperation to make it right and perfect this time. And when it clearly is not working out for the both of you, when the communication is lacking and the language translations are nothing but cross purposes all the time, letting them go feels like the only answer. When one is giving and the other resisting, when one is open and the other open sometimes and closed others, when one heart sees the truth and the other sees nothing but the here and now which is only part of the wonderful story of the two souls and when both feel the connection strongly but one can not find out what that means to them and sees only the surface of life and not the amazing and beautiful world they have shared that lives underneath, the pain and sadness experienced by the other one is profound and devastating. To see and understand the complexity of this kind of love in this lifetime is a rare opportunity like a shooting star, unpredictable and special and is the burden carried by those who see life as a continuum of the thread that was started with that first lifetime and the joining together of those two souls. To see karmic links resolved and repaired is the longing of so many of us. And yet others are so tuned into this lifetime as if it is the only one and the importance of such things like karma and past lives is of no consequence to them is so painful to those of us who know the importance of such opportunities. When 2 souls who have been together many times before see each other for the first time in a new lifetime there is a recognition and a sense of knowing the other without even knowing their names in this lifetime. When touching physically feels like going home and a safe harbor to both but one soul feels and sees the pain of this lifetime more acutely and can not consistently connect emotionally to the space and time of the precious gift of this kind of connection the other soul must let go. And the pain of thousands of lifetimes is felt by that soul that understands the truth and the unresolved pain and love that exists which crossed the boundaries of life and death. When the winds of change encourage us to shift our perspective and become who we are meant to be we want to feel the connection to all those who have been the collective of souls returning to our lives every lifetime. But we do not always have that opportunity to be in the presence of an enduring love that was lost to us perhaps many times in other lifetimes from that soul passing into the void or never returning from a long journey. One soul always is waiting for the return of that other soul to feel the presence of that one love that always felt right and perfect. So how do we let go of this kind of a love? The love that pulls those strings to our hearts and rips at the very fabric and unravels them leaving them tattered and torn. The repair is long and arduous but hearts are strong by the very nature that comprises them and the energy that they hold weaves the new light and life into them as we send love and compassion to those souls who we are supposed to be with. When to be apart is more painful than the very real pain from any physical cut with a knife we must not underestimate the care we must take of our bodies, minds and souls. Time is our teacher and our medicine which will help to resolve within us the distance we feel from the soul we long to reconnect with. But separation is also a concept of the mind and if we can know and understand that this kind of connection is never really far from our hearts this is a consolation that will move us through the pain and sadness. And if we can always keep the door open to those souls who have inadvertently hurt us by not understanding the importance of this heart and soul connection perhaps by some miracle the angels will help them see the value of the treasure they have been offered. The once in a lifetime opportunity to come together after so many lifetimes of being torn apart by circumstances. The time may come where they see and understand how rare and beautiful is the time spent with a soul mate connection. And we can still love them from afar and wish them happiness and peace. Moving forward and breathing through the pain is the only option when the body, mind and soul is longing to feel once more the touch of their hand or their voice in our ear telling us they love us and want to be in our lives. Breathe, breathe and remember that no matter how much debris is covering the love and the understanding there is always the possibility that they will uncover it someday and make their way back to us. And in the meantime we are alive and have purposes to fulfill and destinies to meet. So in your pain, smile through the tears and move forward with your lives......I will do the same. Your heart is strong and will always persevere.
With light and love to all of you...... AnnKathleen
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