10/24/2016 0 Comments Cleansing FireFire is the element most feared and avoided yet it is the most cleansing and clearing. Our feelings of passion and anger are described as fiery or full of fire when we express them without holding back. And sometimes that expression of passion is cleansing especially when we are fed up with our circumstances and our relationships. So some of you know I am a Gemini (an air sign) but many of you may not know that I am more fire than I am air, as I have 5 planets in Fire signs. So this in simple terms means that where ever the planetary constellations were in the sky at my birth certain planets were featured as dominate in the signs of Fire. Sagittarius (Moon), Aries (Mars) and also Leo (Venus) are all in my chart. So when I tell you I am fired up about something.....take me seriously! So I also have grounding Virgo (earth sign) as my ascendent which helps keep the fire balanced. So suffice it to say when people piss me off. A. It takes awhile to get me to the level of anger. And B. My response is quick and cutting in fact I used to cut off at the proverbial knees those who were unfortunate enough to illicit anger from me. This was when I was younger and not so in control of my fiery side when my mother used to call me the Guillotine Queen with boyfriends who were less than cooperative even with my very expansive Gemini qualities of allowing but when they crossed the line that was it..........done, fini, exit stage left and no looking back. Now as I have gotten older I have gotten soft and more pliable and forgiving which is a good thing and much more conducive to a calmer lifestyle which I have become accustomed to and yet sometimes things get to a level where I clear the decks and heads roll. Now mostly it is directed at my dog who refuses to stop digging holes in the backyard or my cat who yowls at me incessantly and refuses to use her cat box but will find any basket in the house filled with paper. But sometimes the anger is deeper and more profound. That conversation we all have with ourselves about how others treat us and what is allowable and what is not......or how long do we put up with treatment that normally we would be on our friends asses to not put up with and move on......So I am at that point. The point where I am telling myself enough is enough and really what is the point of continuing the energetic pull of people who treat me with less respect then the rest of the people I know care about me both male and female. Where the indifference is so acute and the disrespect is so evident as to show who these people really are and how they feel about me regardless of what they say, actions do speak louder than words. So the point of no return is a stance I almost never take but I do make exceptions and although forgiveness is now in my repertoire and moving forward in a positive way as well I find that eliminating those people who no longer resonate with my highest good just need to go and not come back. They need to stay gone unless deep apologies and remorsefulness is evident in their words and actions. And even then forgiveness is one thing but having them in my life in an ongoing capacity is not really an option unless they have decided to work on the very issues that caused them to be in a position to treat someone they say they love in such an unloving way. Having disregard and unkindness is not acceptable nor is a lack of courtesy. Now granted we were not all raised by Emily Post but there are certain accommodations we all make to regard peoples feelings especially those who have a special place in our hearts eg. our children, you just don't want to hurt those you truly love. Which brings me to the part of my anger which burns the brightest. I can not abide when people lie to me! It is like the worst salt in the wound of betrayal and unfortunately I am always underestimated in my ability to be intuitive and know when things are not as they seem. Even lies of omission are just as bad.......not telling someone what is happening and letting them possibly worry about your safety is to me the biggest middle finger to the heart of someone who cares about you that I can think of. Now this is par for the course when you are raising teenagers but when a grown person does this it is seriously time to exit. And the more disappointing is when they are indifferent to your anger and they claim they don't need to consider your feelings in any way, shape or form, that they are not going to honor your love and concern for them......this is the pain that gives way to fire burning anger. And I know that these are all reflections of how these people treat themselves inside and my sadness is profound when I have allowed them to treat me the same when I know better. So I have been pushed and pulled for the last time and am taking back the power I gave away by being so accommodating and understanding. My fire has risen and I am burning away all of the energy I spent trying to be something that would fit in with crazy demands instead of being myself, ironically my loving and affectionate self, the one most people would adore to be with and appreciate. So with a huge sigh and a sense of relief I let go and allow the ashes to fall and now will wait to emerge from these ashes as the beautiful, phoenix and find someone who appreciates my loving ways and all of my affection. And this someone will reciprocate in their own way their affection and love for me. And honestly I wish peace and joy for all those who push love away and treat it like a disease or something that is less than the amazing gift that it is. Love comes and when we reject it and ourselves and only keep the pain and suffering alive in our lives we become much less able to enjoy our lives and create happiness. So I will continue to wish healing for all those who have a difficult time accepting love in their lives. May we all find and resonate with the love that lives within us and see the beautiful reflections that mirror back to us all that we are.
Love really is the answer my friends! Bless it in your lives! Namaste AnnKathleen
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